Happy first day of Summer!
That's it, we're done!!  Who is silently cheering? Who is thinking without the pressure to write it down they may not do as much (that's me).  Either way, if we are all more aware of the importance of daily exercise, this "program" was a success.

And drum roll please.....top ten are Gene C, Katie J, Nico D, Karl S., Sue W., Jean W, Carissa P.,Kaytlin M, Roula A, Terry D.  Not really anything surprising here but still quite an accomplishment to stay THAT active the whole 6 weeks.  This group obviously does make serious exercise part of their daily routine.

FINAL results can be found here.

A group of us participated in BIG BIKE on Friday - great cause, lots of  fun.  But some of you put this activity as a level 3!!!! Really??  Did  you break a sweat as we glided through town?  Did you even pedal the whole time?  If I caught this - I moved it to a level 2 (and that is a gift people!).

Sue says she "fell off the fitness wagon" this week - with a score of 137.  If that is "falling off" I did a swan dive off weeks ago...

I believe Aaron is only in this challenge for the SWAG at the end - I hope this year's takeaways don't disappoint.

Kim and Alyssa are the champs at pushing just a little more each week, finishing just one point apart- congrats ladies, you can now relax.

Carissa is really the variety professional - with 10 again this week (biking, swimming, exercise class, brisk walk, yard work, rowing, stairs up, activities with young children, walk/stroll, and stairs down).  Phew that's a lot.

Karl seems to be the only one roller skiing - probably the only one who OWNS roller skis.

Philip planted trees this week - hard work and good for the environment - extra points for him (well not really).

I don't think I've ever mentioned, but Christine does ZUMBA every week - we should have her lead a lunchtime session...who is in?

Can you believe that the first week of our little fun we had 41 players get their forms in on Monday?....WOW 41....then it went drastically downhill from there.  This week we had 25, which brought us just over the passing grade with a 52%.  And it was a strange week - the regulars who normally get  their forms in (Christine, Kaytlin, Marketa) did not and the forgetful ones  (Stephanie, Tim, Rebecca) did.  It was a like a Freaky Friday moment on a  Monday. (for those of you who do not get this movie reference - google it).  Last week's winners were Terry and Jen Wright. Manny picked up the Starbucks card for his better half (hope it actually ended up in her hands).  But is seems Terry does not read the blog (gasp!) and did not claim his prize....so I figure for the last week we can give out one Starbucks gift card and two "Jeans for a Week" posters.  The three lucky winners to scramble for the prizes are Kim Graveline, Caroline Evans and Minh Vuu.  Remember, first come first choice...on your mark, get set, GO.

Thanks for playing, have a fabulous summer all.

See you
Monday @ 12:00noon - Boardroom

Gene C
6/24/2013 10:46:30 am

Thanks again Karen for keeping us all motivated. Hopefully it's just the start of what will be a happy and healthy summer filled with fun activity.


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