Week 4 is over – just two weeks left.  Who can’t wait till the end? Who will miss this little “game”? 
Our top 10 – seems to be the same crew...but a little shifting each week.  Gene C., Katie J., Sue W., Jean W., Roula A., Terry D., Karl S., Carissa P., Kaytlin M., and Nico D.  Let's note that Nico is in the top ten even without including his week 4 scores.  
You can view the results here.
We have 7 people still improving each week.  These high achievers are: Carissa, Alyssa, Julie G., Colin, Kim, Nico and Rick.  I think Alyssa  is going about this the right way – she just does a little bit more each  week.  Some of the others are jumping 20 points a week – that is hard to keep going...but good luck .  How many will be left standing at the end?

Gene is so honest –  he puts down 57 minutes when he runs..I’d be rounding that up to 60 myself if I ever ran that long.
Odette did some yard work and she has two teenage sons to do those jobs – good for her.
Melissa and Minh edge out Carissa  for top spot in the variety category with 9 different types of fun last  week.
Caroline E and Colin are getting in some beach volleyball – I hate volleyball but put “beach” in front and hey, it now sounds fun.  There’s a little discrepancy in intensity level...Colin  apparently does not work as hard as Caroline and puts his time down as a level  2.
Roula is still doing  the stairs – everyday – up and down.
More people getting points by playing baseball....sigh...I’ll let this go now.
Marie Claude and Chantal seem to be keeping their children active – lots of points for activities with the young ones.  It's nice to see the physical activity beginning early.
Those who know me will understand why I believe
Katie  J.  should get some extra
points just for her taste in celebrities......she is such a smart smart lady –  my new best friend really.  Check out her profile.
Speaking of profiles, thanks to all who participated so far - I really enjoy reading them - hope others do too.  I was surprised at all the avocado lovers. I tried them once (force fed by a colleague) and to be honest I don't see what's to love....and whoa do we have a lot of people who enjoy their eggs (well not Christine). It's fun finding out a little more about each other....such as ..I would have never guessed sweet Caroline E's favourite movie would be Kill Bill Vol.2!  And so pleased to know Terry watches Glee - this opens up a whole new area of kitchen chatter. 

Well, as the weeks go on, it seems to get harder and harder to get those darn forms in on Mondays.  So hard that I figure a few people have just given up – and I will assume they are not playing anymore.  This makes our participation numbers drop a bit.   We now have 49 people – which is still pretty good.  What is not so good, is only 24 people were able to meet the challenge of the Monday submission request.  My  dream of hitting 60% (barely a “C” in school terms) was not to be…and this week  we slumped to a new low of 49%.   But on the up side this increases the winning odds for the weekly  draws……and who benefits this week?   Kaytlin Mullen and 
Philip  Bale.  Who likes coffee?  Who likes wearing jeans?  Let’s see who finds me first.  (PS I am off tomorrow - so the race is today or Monday...)
Remember my issue with no names on the forms?  I promised to publish a list of shame…wow that sort of threat works ! I had only 5 people submit a nameless form – which is significantly lower than  previous weeks. I did promise to expose their lack of attention to detail, and I really hate to do this, because  I do like all these people.  But a  promise is a promise..so here are the faltering five : Dominique, Karl, Kim, Carolyn,  Roula.

Have a great weekend all - Forms to me on Monday June 10th!

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